Sep 20, 2018
Former Atlanta Falcons mascot and successful entrepreneur Trey Humphreys hit a rough patch and began reevaluating his life. He discovered the very thing lacking in him - the idea that he could be a vulnerable man - was missing in many men in his age group. So Trey set about to fill the niche and created The Neuyu...
Sep 13, 2018
Maggie shares her recent personal experience about how she reacted instead of responded to a misunderstanding with a client. Her old way of being crept in - anger, righteousness, ego - basic humanness. But the trick was that she noticed, not in the moment which would have been great but instead after creating a reason...
Sep 6, 2018
Jonathan tells the story of how he went from being a quiet and shy kid to a contestant on America's Got Talent standing on stage in front of thousands of people. His personal journey, motivated by the desire to delve into the mysteries of the mind and turn it into his lifelong passion, is a conversation you don’t want...